【Orchard Core从零开始】(2)VS中使用模板创建CMS项目
除了手动方式创建Orchard Core项目,还可以通过模板创建。先通过以下dotnet new命令在命令提示符或VS Terminal中安装VS模板:
dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::2.1.3
dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::2.1.3-* --nuget-source https://nuget.cloudsmith.io/orchardcore/preview/v3/index.json
dotnet new occms //自动创建CMS应用(Full CMS)
dotnet new ocmvc //自动创不含CMS功能的WEB应用(Orchard Core Framework),仅引用OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Core.Targets
dotnet new ocmodulecms //自动创建CMS模块(Full CMS)
dotnet new octheme //自动创建主题
dotnet new ocmodulemvc //自动创建不含CMS功能的模块(Orchard Core Framework)
-n, --name <name> The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the output directory is used. -o, --output <output> Location to place the generated output. --dry-run Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation. --force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files. --no-update-check Disables checking for the template package updates when instantiating a template. --project <project> The project that should be used for context evaluation. -lang, --language <C#> Specifies the template language to instantiate. --type <project> Specifies the template type to instantiate.
-n, --name <name>
:指定要创建的输出的名称。如果没有指定名称,则使用输出目录的名称。这通常用于设置项目名称。-o, --output <output>
:在实例化模板时禁用模板包的更新检查。这可以加快操作速度,特别是在不希望或不需要检查更新时。--project <project>
:指定用于上下文评估的项目。这个选项可能用于在多项目环境中指定应该使用哪个项目的上下文或设置。-lang, --language <C#>
:指定要实例化的模板语言。在这个例子中,C#被用作示例语言,但也可以指定其他编程语言。--type <project>
-fm, --framework <net8.0> The target framework for the project. //指定目标框架,默认net8.0 Type: choice net8.0 Target net8.0 Default: net8.0 -lo, --logger <NLog|None|Serilog> Configures the logger component. //指定日志组件:NLog、Serilog或None,默认NLog Type: choice NLog Configures NLog as the logger component. Serilog Configures Serilog as the logger component. None Do not configure logger. Default: NLog -ov, --orchard-version <orchard-version> Specifies which version of Orchard Core packages to use. //指定Orchard Core版本号,默认2.1.3 Type: string Default: 2.1.3
-fm, --framework <net8.0> The target framework for the project. //指定目标框架,默认net8.0 Type: choice net8.0 Target net8.0 Default: net8.0 -ov, --orchard-version <orchard-version> Specifies which version of Orchard Core packages to use. //指定Orchard Core版本号,默认2.1.3 Type: string Default: 2.1.3
-fm, --framework <net8.0> The target framework for the project. //指定目标框架,默认net8.0 Type: choice net8.0 Target net8.0 Default: net8.0 -A, --AddPart Add dependency injection for part in Startup.cs. If PartName is not provided, default name will be used //是否添加Part依赖注入 Type: bool Default: false -P, --PartName <PartName> Add all files required for a part //指定Part名称 Type: string Default: MyTest -ov, --orchard-version <orchard-version> Specifies which version of Orchard Core packages to use. //指定Orchard Core版本号,默认2.1.3 Type: string Default: 2.1.3
-F, --Framework <net8.0> The target framework for the project. //指定目标框架,默认net8.0 Type: choice net8.0 Target net8.0 Default: net8.0 -A, --AddLiquid Add .liquid files in Views //是否添加.liquid视图文件,默认是 Type: bool Default: true -O, --OrchardVersion <OrchardVersion> Specifies which version of Orchard Core packages to use. //指定Orchard Core版本号,默认2.1.3 Type: string Default: 2.1.3
-fm, --framework <net8.0> The target framework for the project. //指定目标框架,默认net8.0 Type: choice net8.0 Target net8.0 Default: net8.0 -ov, --orchard-version <orchard-version> Specifies which version of Orchard Core packages to use. //指定Orchard Core版本号,默认2.1.3 Type: string Default: 2.1.3